Urology Treatment For More Quality Of Life

Man has a coach: the services of the urologist and andrologist include advising and treating the specific health characteristics of men.

Health checks are not only used for prevention and possible early detection. They also shed light on how you can improve existing health. With the latest therapy methods, such as Spark Wave Therapy, urologo CDMX offer a comprehensive range of outpatient treatments to increase and maintain your quality of life.

Testosterone Check

Certainty About Testosterone Levels

Source: musclemaxim.com

What is the Hormone Analysis for?

In men, the blood level of the male hormone (testosterone) drops continuously from the age of 40. With testosterone determination you know your current hormone status and we can advise you on possible hormonal support requirements.

How Does The Hormone Profile Analysis Work?

We will take a small amount of blood from you, which will be tested for testosterone in the laboratory. The results are compared with age-related norms. This enables us to recognize whether your values ​​deviate and can react accordingly.

Self Check – Check Signs Of Testosterone Deficiency

  • How is your general sense of health? Is it all right all the time? Has it got better or worse?
  • How is your fitness currently doing? How is your muscle strength? Do you feel strong, vital and persistent or do you often feel limp and powerless?
  • Do you feel motivated and productive and do you enjoy doing something? Or are you often exhausted and have the feeling that your enterprising spirit and energy are waning?
  • Do you sleep well overall or do you suffer from insomnia or an increased need for sleep? Do you suffer from nervousness, inner restlessness and tension even when you are resting?
  • Do you generally feel good about yourself? Do you often experience mood swings? Do you often suffer from sadness, discouragement, senselessness or depressive moods?
  • Do you have the ability to be calm even in difficult situations? Or does it happen to you more and more that you react upset and irritable even to small things?
  • Do you feel that your morning erections and overall potency are decreasing? Does it happen more often that you don’t feel like having sex?
  • Do you observe an overall decrease in your beard growth or body hair?
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This self-check aims to inform you about possible signs that may be related to urological diseases. It is not a substitute for a visit to the doctor, nor does it intend to induce you to do so in any way. In terms of general medical education, it serves as a guide and would like to encourage you to be honest with yourself and to ask questions.

Potential Check

Check Your Man Force

What Is The Potential Check For?

Potency problems can have a major impact on your quality of life and your partnership. During a potency check, we first check whether your erectile dysfunction is organic. These can result from smoking, alcohol consumption, diabetes, high blood pressure, or operations. However, an injury to the erectile tissue can also cause erectile dysfunction. Here it is checked whether such an injury has led to long-term damage.

How Does A Potential Check Work?

In addition to a hormone analysis, a potency check examines the limb after an erection has been triggered by means of injection using ultrasound for existing injuries or changes in the blood vessels. We will then discuss the results and work together to find a solution to your problem.

Self-Check – Check Signs Of Weakness       

  • Have you recently had frequent or regular problems getting a reliable erection during sexual activity?
  • Are you happy with your erection? Is your erect member always hard enough to penetrate the vagina or a permanent penetration?
  • How long do you keep a stable erection? Do you often have difficulty maintaining an erection until the end of sexual intercourse?
  • If you look back over the past few weeks, how often did sexual intercourse lead to satisfaction for your partner?
  • How about your pleasures during sex? Can you enjoy sex most of the time and feel really satisfied afterward? Does sexual intercourse lead to orgasm most of the time, or do you often have problems achieving orgasm?
  • Do you usually have an ejaculation during orgasm or do you experience the orgasm more often without “coming”?
  • Do you suffer from premature ejaculation? Have you noticed lately that you come more often during penetration during the first 2 minutes?
  • How would you describe your mental state before and during sexual intercourse? Are you confident of a reliable erection or are you sometimes plagued by uncertainty or fear of failure?
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This self-check aims to inform you about possible signs that may be related to urological diseases. It is not a substitute for a visit to the doctor, nor does it intend to induce you to do so in any way. In terms of general medical education, it serves as a guide and would like to encourage you to be honest with yourself and to ask questions.

Spark Wave

Source: urologist.my

Advantages Of Treatment With Spark-Waves        

  • Painless treatment
  • No side effects
  • Without anesthesia and surgery
  • Well tolerated
  • Outpatient implementation
  • Short treatment time
  • Long-lasting effect
  • Alternative to medication

What are Spark-Waves?

In Spark-Wave Therapy®, sound pressure shock waves are used to stimulate the natural self-healing process of the diseased tissue in erectile dysfunction. The applied shock waves cause new blood vessels to develop and inflammatory processes to be reduced. The blood circulation is also promoted and the tissue is regenerated. No side effects have been found so far.

How Is Treatment With Spark-Waves?

The therapy is carried out on an outpatient basis and without anesthesia, as the process is painless. The shock waves are applied to the tissue for just 15 minutes. After the treatment, which usually takes place after 6 sessions, the patient can count on up to two years of symptom-free treatment. In the majority of cases, patients are no longer dependent on drugs that promote potency.

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