Tips for Beginners in Fitness

“What hurts today makes you stronger tomorrow.”- Jay Cutler, pro bodybuilder, and four-time Mr. Olympia

If you have decided to start working out or if you have made up your mind to incorporate fitness in your lifestyle, well, you have probably done the best thing today (your body must be already jumping in joy). Our body is cut out to become a better version of itself. You probably know the benefits of exercising or working out but wait till you taste it for yourself (believe me, it’s addictive). Don’t wait for your doctor to advise you, start early.

What motivates you?

When it comes to fitness and health, don’t just read anything and start anyhow. You need a solid plan. It’s always advisable to figure out beforehand why you want to start exercising or training. Keep your motives clear and right in front of your eyes! Depending on what you want to achieve in the wide realm of fitness, you can choose what will take you closer to your goals. Ask yourselves questions like why you want to exercise? Is it because you want to lose a few pounds or tone your muscles or gain flexibility or have six-packs or run a race or look good in a bathing suit?

Whatever it is, pat your back, because you are already halfway through (having a little pride is okay).

Know your body

Understand your weaknesses and fitness limitations.

Sometimes we end up pulling our muscles or rupturing a ligament simply because we didn’t examine our bodies before starting out. Do you have a bad back or shortness of breath? Are your hemoglobin levels aright? Do a rudimentary self-examination by measuring your heart rate, blood pressure, and check if you have body aches or a muscle pull. Most importantly, record your BMI.

Don’t: Imitate exercises from celebrity workout videos or don’t randomly start out. This can do more harm than good if you don’t approach it scientifically.

Know your body

Start small, don’t over-perform:

If you are a beginner, don’t strain your body more than it can handle. Remember consistency is more important than intensity (you don’t want to become a couch potato from the previous day’s workout). Start with three 30-minute workouts a week to pace yourself. Do something you enjoy, when it comes to cardio, whether it is swimming, running, jumping ropes, cycling, climbing stairs, or dancing. That way you won’t get bored and give up.

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Back up your plan with a complimentary diet

If you are going to adopt a long-term workout plan for yourself, you are going to need a diet that doesn’t wash off all your efforts. It is correctly said that don’t eat less but eat right if you are training. Incorporate vitamins, greens, healthy fats, and carbs into your diet.

Don’t compare

Don’t constantly bore yourself by comparing yourself to others who are farther off. Concentrate on yourself. Don’t feel disheartened by your small failures and take them as challenges for tomorrow.

Keep the fire burning, stay motivated!

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