Best Swimming Pool Landscaping Plants

The key to achieving intelligent poolside landscaping is to find swimming pool landscaping plants that are easy to maintain and can withstand the microclimate of the pool you are planning to the landscape. When choosing plants to surround your pool, it is important to take the time to do some research before purchasing or digging anything so that you can be sure you are getting the best product possible.  

The heat from a swimming pool can cause humidity levels to climb, while intense sunlight can damage nearby landscaping due to its extreme heat. It is also essential to bear in mind that plants can get splashed with chlorine and other chemicals used in pools and spas if they are left unattended. 

For those of you who are looking to landscape your collection, these 12 plants and trees are excellent choices; however, you should ensure that they are suitable for the soil and climate conditions in your area.

Check out these 12 Swimming Pool Landscaping Plants

1) Hawaii Hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-Sinensis)

There are many species of Hawaii’s state flower that can be grown in any zone, so make sure you look into it. You will also be able to find dreamy names like ‘White Wings,’ ‘Crown of Bohemia,’ ‘Kona Princess,’ and ‘Flamenco Flame.’ 


The Hibiscus plant is a very thirsty plant, so be sure to give it plenty of water in order for it to thrive. It is recommended to grow hibiscus in a container and to keep it inside near a window during the winter months if you live in a colder climate.

The first time you want to use Hawaiian hibiscus in a floral arrangement is to pick it at the peak of its blossom, then put it in the refrigerator until the next time you want to use it. The flower will remain fresh and open in a vase long enough for you to enjoy it for a couple of hours while it is on display.

2) Zebra Grass (Miscanthus Sinensis ‘Zebrinus’)

Landscapers can take advantage of the beauty of ornamental grasses by using them for poolside landscaping. This type of plant is easy to maintain and does not create too much mess. They grow quickly and blend nicely with other plants, making an attractive appearance both day and night. 


Around the world, you can find a wide selection of different types of ornamental grasses that can be used for landscaping. One of these is Miscanthus Sinensis ‘Strictus.’ It is often called the zebra grass or porcupine grass. A tropical garden is made more appealing by its horizontal stripes giving it an exotic look that goes well with tropical landscaping.

3) Egyptian Papyrus (Cyperus papyrus)

When present in the right conditions, Cyperus papyrus, also known as Egyptian papyrus, papyrus sedge, or papyrus grass, can create an atmosphere of lushness, tropicality, and exoticism. It can live in bogs and shallow ponds because it likes water. 


It also does fairly well in clay soil that has been amended—the clay helps it retain dampness, which it loves. Pair it with tall and skinny Equisetum ‘Horsetail,’ which also likes water and has an exotic feel.

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4) Angel’s Trumpet (Brugmansia)

It is the name alone that may convince you to order one of these heavenly-looking plants without having seen them beforehand. There is a shrub or tree known as Brugmansia, which is commonly referred to as an angel’s trumpet and has a heavenly scent, making it a great addition to the pool area. 


If these plants are to be kept indoors over the winter, they should be allowed to go dormant. In the event that they are stored in a cool, dark, frost-free place over the winter, they will be able to survive all winter and come back the following spring.

5) Echeveria (Crassulaceae)

There are a variety of succulent perennials called echeverias, which are from Mexico and have a supple but tough texture similar to felt or velvet. Drought-tolerant and wonderful for rock gardens, these plants thrive in dry conditions. 


You can also plant them in planters near your pool or spa and mix them in with a few ornamental types of grass to create a low-maintenance, attractive display. It would also be interesting to mix them in with other succulents as well. 

It is possible to grow them as shrubs if you live in the right zone (mostly in the southwestern part of the country), reaching a height of up to two feet (60 cm) with large leaves up to four inches long.

6) Kangaroo Paw (Anigozanthos flavida)

This popular perennial can be recognized by its common name, kangaroo paw, which gives a hint as to where it originated from, which is Australia. Kangaroo paws, along with their hybrids, are thin-looking and graceful-looking plants, but it is the flowers that are the real attraction to them, as they are a bright red color. 


The bush gold, bush emerald, bush lantern, and bush lantern ‘Gourd of the Bush’ are just a few of the lovely varieties and colorations of the perennials that look and feel like kangaroo paws.

7) Martha Washington Geranium (Regal pelargonium)

There is no better choice for vibrant, beautiful color that lasts from spring through fall than the hybrids known as Martha Washington or Lady Washington geraniums. Geraniums from Martha Washington grow only for a short period of time in the late spring, and they are usually only available for about six weeks. 


In some cases, Marthas can look like exotic tropical flowers or orchids that are growing in tropical climates. There are many flower hybrids available today, and Lady Washington pelargoniums are no exception, with cultivar names such as ‘Raspberry Swirl,’ ‘Imperial,’ and ‘Excaliber.’

8) Ornamental Sweet Potato Vine (I. batatas )


In spite of the fact that sweet potato vines come in a variety of colors and variegations, this bright chartreuse ‘Marguerite’ (also known as ‘Margarita’ or ‘Margarite’) is one of the most striking and hardy of them all. As a herbaceous vine native to tropical or subtropical locales, I. Batata is one of the easiest trailing plants to care for, and it is well-suited for containers, planters, walls, and trellises, as well as being used as groundcover.

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9) Agave attenuata (Agave attenuata)

There are two types of agave, blue agave and agave attenuate. Blue agave is commonly used to make tequila in the Mexican state of Jalisco, but it is also a native Mexican plant that grows well in the southwestern U.S. 


Because it requires little water to grow, it is often planted near swimming pools or oceans due to its low water requirement. With a few large plants of Attenuata, it is possible to multiply quite prolifically within a few years just by cuttings and pups and can become quite prolific quite quickly. Since its root system is such a small one, it can also be propagated from cuttings or pups and is quite easy to grow from cuttings.

10) Hebe (Hebe)

In some cases, this native plant of New Zealand is sold under its common name, Veronica. The shrubbier hebes enhance the landscaping of the poolside borders with their striking appearance and exotic nature. There are several varieties of these plants that can be grown in mild-winter zones, but they need regular water and good drainage to survive. 3 For some species, the flowering season extends from the early summer to the first frost. 


To keep your flowers blooming continuously, you should deadhead them at regular intervals. Those who live in warmer climates should provide some shade for their hebes.

11) Aeonium (Aeonium)

The popularity of succulents has been on the rise in the western United States, where they have enjoyed an increase in popularity as a result of their traditional neglect of American gardens. In this case, we are talking about aeoniums, which are beautiful green plants. 


A succulent can be found in a variety of sizes and shapes and is one of the hottest trends in drought-tolerant landscaping because of the way its fleshy leaves, stems, and roots store water, making them a drought-tolerant plant. 

While the more familiar cactus is technically a succulent, the more-familiar cactus is a desert species with prickly spines that require a desert habitat to thrive. Not so with succulents, which do not all have spines.

12) Jade (Crassula ovata)

Depending on the region, jade is one of the most popular houseplants, but in other places, it can grow like a weed and is extremely easy to care for. Unlike many succulents, this plant has plenty of water hidden within its foliage; when it shrivels, you know it has a thirst for water and needs to be watered. 


In terms of the landscaping of your pool area, jade is a well-established and trouble-free plant that is attractive, strong, and reliable.


When you choose the appropriate foliage for your pool, a little greenery can make a huge difference in its appearance. But there are some plants that can really put a damper on your next pool party, whether you intend it to or not. In this article, we have listed 12 swimming pool landscaping plants that are suited for backyard use. We hope you find some of these plants helpful.

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