Neon pothos plant care

One of the most popular and eye-catching varieties of pothos, neon pothos is characterized by neon green, heart-shaped leaves, and a vining growth habit. This low-maintenance houseplant thrives in bright, indirect light, moist but well-draining soil, and average-to-high humidity levels. Keep in mind that neon pothos are toxic to people and pets.

Neon Pothos Care

These bright pothos plants are low-maintenance and easy to care for. Here are the main care requirements for neon pothos:


Neon pothos grow naturally as forest understory plants and can adapt to a wide range of partial lighting conditions. That being said, bright indirect light is best in order to keep the leaves vibrant and avoid leggy growth.


Overall, neon pothos are not picky when it comes to the soil as long as the soil is loamy and moist but also well-draining. Standard houseplant soil works well for these low-maintenance plants; or you can create a slightly airier mixture by combining one part houseplant soil, one part perlite, and one part orchid bark for a chunky, organic soil mix that your pothos will love.


Allow the top 2 to 3 inches of soil to dry out between waterings, and then water thoroughly. Choose a pot with adequate drainage to ensure that the roots aren’t waterlogged; neon pothos are susceptible to root rot if their roots are left standing in water.

Temperature and humidity

In their native environment, neon pothos grow in warm, humid temperatures, which makes them well-suited to growing indoors as a houseplant. As long as temperatures are between 55 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit (or 15 to 35 degrees Celsius), your neon pothos will be happy. Average household humidity is also adequate for these pothos, although providing extra humidity (with a humidifier or pebble tray) will encourage more vigorous growth.


Fertilizer is not a necessity when it comes to pothos, especially if the soil is rich in organic matter, but regular fertilization during the active growing period can help encourage strong, healthy growth. If you choose, you can apply a balanced liquid fertilizer once a month from early spring to late summer.


When grown indoors, neon pothos can grow vines up to 10 feet long, so while pruning isn’t necessary for these tropical vines, you may wish to prune the vines every once in a while to keep their size under control. The best time to prune neon pothos is in early spring, when you begin to see an uptick in growth. Use clean, sharp scissors when pruning.

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Propagating Neon Pothos

As with other varieties of pothos, neon pothos are easy to propagate by stem cuttings. This is a great way to reuse any cuttings that you take during pruning and can help you create a fuller-looking plant by planting the cuttings back in the original pot. Or you can use the cuttings to create new plants to share with friends. Follow these steps to propagate your neon pothos with stem cuttings:

  • Take stem cuttings from an established plant that have at least 4-5 nodes each.
  • Remove the bottom 2-3 leaves from each cutting, leaving at least 2 leaves at the top of each cutting.
  • Fill a small glass or jar with water and place the cuttings in the water, ensuring that the exposed nodes on the bottom of the cuttings are submerged while the leaves remain above water.
  • Place the cuttings in a location that receives medium to bright indirect light, and change out the water once a week to ensure it stays fresh.
  • 5. Roots should begin forming within a week or so. Once the roots are at least an inch long, the cuttings can be transferred back to the soil. Remove the cuttings from the water and carefully pot them in a pre-moistened, well-draining soil mixture.
  • 6. Place the freshly potted cuttings back in the same location, and keep the soil consistently moist for the first 1 to 2 weeks after repotting to help the roots acclimate to the soil. After about 2 weeks, a regular watering schedule can be resumed for the cuttings, and they can be cared for as established neon pothos.

Potting and Repotting Neon Pothos

The frequency at which neon pothos needs to be repotted will depend on how fast it’s growing. If you see roots growing out of the bottom of the pot or notice that the plant needs to be watered extremely often, then it may be time to repot.

When repotting, choose a pot that is only one size bigger and that has a drainage hole. This is also a great time to prune the plant. If you prune your neon pothos a couple of weeks before repotting and root those cuttings in water, you will be able to put the rooted cuttings in with your newly repotted plant, creating a bushier look.

Common Pests

Neon pothos are not especially prone to any particular pests or diseases, however, you should keep an eye out for some common houseplant pests that can become a problem if your plant gets infected. Watch out for sap-sucking pests such as mealybugs, scale, and spider mites, as well as fungus gnats, which are common among most houseplants.

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Common Problems With Neon Pothos

Neon pothos are low-fuss houseplants that are generally problem-free. However, improper watering and lighting conditions can result in a few common problems.

Drooping Leaves

This is a sign that your plant is thirsty and in need of a good drink. Water your neon pothos, and the leaves should perk back up.

Brown Tips

Under-watering or excessively dry conditions can cause brown tips on your neon pothos leaves. Try increasing how often you are watering your plant, and avoid placing your neon pothos near drafty vents or windows.

Leggy Growth

If your neon pothos is starting to look straggly, with long vines that have very few leaves, this is an indication that your plant needs more light. Try moving your pothos to a brighter location.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why does my neon pothos have patches of darker green variegation?

Don’t worry, small patches of darker green variegation are normal for neon pothos and are usually just a result of a gene mutation. However, if you are noticing large patches on the leaves going dark, or new leaves that are growing darker and less vibrant, this can be an indication that your plant is reverting and it needs more light in order to keep its bright hue.

Should I use a moss pole or trellis for my neon pothos?

This is completely up to you and how you would like to display your neon pothos. You can choose to use a support like a trellis or moss pole, or you can grow your pothos as a hanging plant. That being said, encouraging your pothos to climb by using a support does encourage thicker vines and larger leaves, which is appealing to some growers.

Can neon pothos grow in just water?

Surprisingly, yes! All varieties of pothos grow well in water, although you will need to ensure that you are fertilizing the plant regularly to provide it with enough nutrients to thrive. It is also best to start growing your neon pothos in water via propagation, rather than trying to transition an established plant from soil to water, which may result in root rot.

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