During times when the mercury levels are rising, the scorching sun can exhaust us entirely. Leaving our bodies out in the open increases their threat.
It is not uncommon for people to feel dehydrated during the summer months, and having low energy levels as well as another indication of being victimized by this. We therefore should take extra care during the hot season, so that we can avoid diseases caused by heat exhaustion.
By following a few lifestyle changes, such as eating healthy foods and drinking water, we can be able to take a beating from the summer’s dangers.
Healthy Summer Foods to Beat The Summer Heat
The following is a list of healthy summer foods that should definitely be part of your dietary intake to help you combat the effects of the hot climate.
1) Watermelon

Watermelon, seasonal summer fruit is for a good reason comes around during summertime. With 91.45% of its composition being water, it helps in satisfying your body’s water requirements. Additionally, watermelon also provides a wonderful cooling effect with its anti-oxidant properties.
2) Cucumber

Cucumbers, which are abundant in fiber, are excellent for preventing constipation in summer. Additionally, cucumbers contain a high amount of water. Thus, enjoy these crunchier foods during hot weather and stay cool.
3) Curd

The cooling effect of curd makes it not only delicious but also refreshing. The variety of curd varieties also makes it interesting and tasty. Add some spice to buttermilk or make a delicious lassi. Rasta is another healthy dish that you can make and eat with any meal. Making lip-smacking smoothies with curd or adding seasonal fruits is another way to consume it.
4) Coconut water

Coconut has become an iconic summer beverage. Despite its low cost, this ‘not-so-expensive’ beverage is available in just about every fruit shop in the country, and it is loaded with essential vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. It is a product that has cooling properties, so you can use it in hot weather in order to stay cool. Researchers have also determined that drinking coconut water regularly may help prevent cancer.
5) Mint

Mint, an inexpensive herb, is readily available at almost all vegetable vendors. In curd, chaach, or raita, adding mint could have additional health benefits. In addition to prepping mint chutney, you can prepare the Indian dish raita, which is a staple in almost all Indian households. Not only does mint help you cool your body temperature, but it also gives you a feeling of refreshment.
6) Green leafy vegetables

Green leafy vegetables are an important part of your diet all year round because they give you numerous health benefits. Green leafy vegetables contain a high amount of water content as well, which means they will also benefit you by being included in your daily dietary routine. Don’t become too obsessed with the fact of overcooking these vegetables, as this could cause a loss of vital, nutrient-filled water in them.
7) Onions

It may surprise you that onions also have cooling properties, which makes them beneficial to our health. If you eat them raw, they may ruin your taste, therefore, mix them with lemon and salt, and prepare a salad out of them. If you enjoy vegetable dishes, curries, and raita, onion is another excellent addition. It’s considered a natural anti-allergen that red onions are abundant in quercetin. By including onion in your daily diet, you can also protect yourself against sunstroke.
8) Lime water

The refreshing drink lime water, also called nimboo pani in India, is another great drink to have during the summer. Drinking lime water offers many health benefits, and there are no side effects to be discussed. You can prepare sweet limewater by adding salt, cumin powder, and sugar to enhance its flavor. You will stay cool and refreshed all day long when drinking lime water.
9) Mangoes

When it comes to summertime treats, mangoes are a great choice if you don’t want to worry about your calorie intake. It is thought that mangoes contain a high percentage of iron, which can increase calcium absorption in the body. The fruit is very refreshing during the summertime and is useful for preventing heatstroke. Vitamin A and C are also common ingredients, which contribute to building the immune system. Using almond milk in mango ice cream also provides a tasty summer treat without the worry of excess sugar calories and is totally vegan.
10) Berries

During the summertime, there are plenty of berries that are jam-packed with antioxidants and flavonoids that help protect the body against many serious illnesses. There is also evidence that strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries improve the quality of the skin by increasing the blood supply throughout the body, regenerating skin, and decreasing sensitivity to light, making the skin appear brighter and feel better. Such benefits are particularly important during the summer months when humidity levels are high. Berries also contain a lot of fiber, sometimes as much as 8 grams per cup.
During this peak summer, many have been sheltered from the blistering heat by the pretty shelter, but even with the homes, many are still feeling the heat. Generally speaking, the few days to come will have dry weather, and the temperatures might even reach the end of 40 degrees Celsius, according to news reports. So, do take care of you and enjoy your summer.