Manjula pothos plant care

One of the more colorful cultivars available, the manjula pothos is characterized by large, heart-shaped leaves with white, green, and cream variegation. These low-maintenance, vining houseplants thrive in bright, indirect light, moist but well-draining soil, and high humidity.

As a cultivar of Epipremnum aureum, the manjula pothos is toxic to people and pets.

Manjula Pothos Care

Despite its superstar appearance, the manjula pothos is fairly easy to care for and is similar in care to the standard golden pothos. Here are the main requirements for growing a manjula pothos:


Manjula pothos can adapt to a range of lighting conditions, just be sure to avoid harsh, direct sunlight, which can burn the delicate leaves. While manjula pothos can survive in low light conditions, they require a bit more light than other pothos varieties in order to keep the white variegation in the leaves—so aim for bright, indirect light where possible.


Plant your manjula pothos in a loamy, well-draining potting mix. Standard indoor potting soil is usually fine for these pothos, but adding some extra perlite to increase drainage is usually a good idea.


Allow the top 2 to 3 inches of soil to dry out between waterings, and then water well. Manjula pothos are resilient and can withstand a little neglect if necessary, so if you forget to water these pothos every once and a while, it should bounce back easily.

Temperature and Humidity

Standard household temperature and humidity levels are perfect for manjula pothos. However, their growth is more vigorous if they are provided with some extra humidity, so consider growing them in a humid room like a bathroom, laundry room, or kitchen—or placing a humidifier nearby.


Manjula pothos do not require regular fertilization, but consistent feeding in the spring and summer helps to promote healthy growth and variegation. Apply a balanced liquid fertilizer once a month during the active growing season for best results.


As the vines on manjula pothos grow, its oldest leaves may die and fall off, which is normal. To avoid this, prune long, leggy vines with sharp, clean scissors. This will inspire the plant to put out new growth points, possibly closer to the base of its vines, leading to a bushier plant. You can also propagate these cuttings to make new plants or even plant the cuttings in the same pot as their host.

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Propagating Manjula Pothos

Manjula pothos can be easily propagated by stem cuttings. Taking cuttings will not only help you create new plants that you can share with friends, but it will also encourage fuller growth on your plant, as every stem that is cut will begin to branch. You can also repot the rooted cuttings back in the original pot to make your plant larger, rather than creating new plants. To propagate your manjula pothos by stem cuttings, follow these steps:

  • Take stem cuttings that are 4-5 inches long, ensuring that you make the cut directly below a leaf/node.
  • Remove the leaves from the bottom half of the cutting, and submerge the exposed stem in water using a jar or some other container.
  • Place the cutting(s) in a location that receives bright, indirect light and replace the water every week to ensure it stays fresh.
  • After a few weeks you should notice roots beginning to grow. Once the roots are at least an inch long, you can replant the cuttings in a pre-moistened, well-draining potting mix.
  • Keep the cuttings evenly moist for the first 1-2 weeks after planting to help the roots acclimate to soil. After the first couple of weeks, you can start to resume a regular watering schedule.

Potting and Repotting

A manjula pothos will continue to grow if it’s fairly root-bound, but eventually, it should be repotted. You will know it’s time to repot when lots of roots are growing out of the bottom of its container or when roots are peeking out of the soil on top.

When choosing a new pot or container, pick one that is one size up from the current pot, or about two more inches in diameter, and that has a drainage hole. Manjula pothos plants are not picky about material (terracotta vs. ceramic, etc.), as long as water can easily drain. Additionally, use fresh potting soil at this time, discarding the old.

Common Pests & Plant Diseases

Keep an eye out for common houseplant pests such as mealybugs, scale, fungus gnats, and spider mites. Treat any infestations with insecticidal soap or neem oil as soon as you notice them. Making regular pest checks a part of your care routine will help to catch potential infestations early, making them easier to treat and eradicate.

Root rot, specifically Phytophthora root rot, is common in manjula pothos. This can occur when conditions are too moist, humid, or the plant is overwatered. You will notice Phytophthora root rot when plant’s leaves turn a black or dark brown color.

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Common Problems With Manjula Pothos

As with most pothos plants, the manjula pothos is low-maintenance and generally problem free. However, improper care or pest infestations can sometimes lead to the following issues.

Yellow Leaves

There are a few potential reasons that your manjula pothos has yellow leaves. First, yellow leaves on pothos plants can sometimes be a result of disease or root rot. Second, yellow leaves can be an indication that your plant is not receiving enough light. Try moving it to a brighter location where all of the leaves are exposed to bright, indirect light.

Brown Leaves

Brown leaves are usually an indication that your manjula pothos is not receiving enough water or moisture. Sometimes in overly dry conditions, the leaf tips will begin to dry out. Try increasing the humidity around the plant and watering it more frequently.

Drooping Leaves

Leaves that are wilting and drooping are an early indication that your plant is thirsty and needs some water. Water your plant thoroughly and it should bounce back within an hour or so.

Frequently Asked Questions

What’s the difference between a manjula pothos and other popular cultivars?

While variegated pothos cultivars may look similar, there are a couple of ways to tell them apart. The variegation on a manjula pothos is patchy, and there are usually three different colors present: white, cream, and dark green. In contrast, E. aureum ‘Marble Queen’ has variegation that is streaky and usually only has two colors. E. aureum ‘N’Joy’ also has similar variegation to a manjula pothos but has smaller leaves.

How fast do manjula pothos grow?

Manjula pothos has a moderate growth rate, growing faster than varieties like the marble queen pothos but slower than the common golden pothos. The amount of light provided to a manjula pothos will dictate its growing speed.

How long does manjula pothos live?

Like most pothos plants, manjula pothos should live to be around 10 years in decent care, though it could live much longer in excellent care. Cuttings can also be taken from old manjula pothos plants to start new plants that live on for years.

Is manjula pothos rare?

Though you are unlikely to see a manjula pothos at big box stores or grocery stores at the frequency of golden pothos, manjula pothos can be found somewhat easily online and at nurseries that sell houseplants.

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